Boat International
January 27, 2022
By Kevin Koenig
In The Bite
January 4, 2022
By InTheBite Digital Editor
Four generations have persevered in keeping the Rybovich family business afloat and hull #6 built at the Michael Rybovich & Sons yard represents many significances. This functionally luxurious 94-footer is the largest boat ever built by the Rybovich clan and the first to feature an enclosed flybridge.
Marlin Magazine
October 13, 2021
Whenever I begin a boat review, it’s typically the first time I’ve ever stepped foot on the boat. However, I’ve watched this 94-footer transform from a literal pile of lumber into one of the finest examples of craftsmanship displayed in boatbuilding today. The last time I saw her was this past spring, and my anticipation grew as I pulled into the Michael Rybovich & Sons yard in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. My entire focus was on the much-anticipated III Amigos, wondering how she called the south barn home for almost three years. And then, I stepped on. I felt like a kid on Christmas Day.
Marlin Magazine
February 13, 2021
Marlin Magazine
May 8, 2020
By Capt. Jen Copeland
With two Ryboviches under his belt, the owner of Persistence, Hull No. 5 by Michael Rybovich & Sons, knew exactly what he wanted for boat number three. As a summertime giant bluefin tuna fisherman, great lengths were taken when laying out a vessel that would not only meet the Rybovich standard, but also the needs of her owner. And when you want to ride to the fishing grounds and back in one day, speed and comfort was high on the priority list.
In The Bite
March 20, 2020
By In The Bite
The latest build from Michael Rybovich and Sons Persistence is another masterpiece from the first family in custom sportfishing boats. She is state-of-the-art in every way and as you step aboard you can’t help but notice the highest quality fit and finish found only on a Rybovich. The four-stateroom layout and quarter sawn teak throughout can only be described as beautiful. Every cabinet, seam and joinery is as close to perfection as you can build. The Persistence is a meticulously hand-crafted fishing machine.
In The Bite
February 20, 2020
By In The Bite
Builder Michael Rybovich gives InTheBite a full interview walkthrough of the beautifully crafted 78’ Michael Rybovich and Sons Persistence.
Marlin Magazine
September 25, 2019
By Capt. Jen Copeland
In the highly competitive boatbuilding world, one brand stands above all others. The resilience of the Rybovich name has been spotlighted, stripped, rehashed and reborn many times throughout the decades, but the true story has never been spoken. From the inside, I discovered that truth is usually stranger than fiction. For those who ever wondered: “What’s the real story?” I put on a hat I never thought I’d wear, and braced myself for the fallout. Turns out, Michael Rybovich appreciated the journalistic effort and answered every one of my questions without objection.
In The Bite
May 21, 2019
By In The Bite
InTheBite celebrated with the Rybovich family at their 100th Anniversary party. We’d like to thank Michael Rybovich & Sons Yacht Sales for putting on this great event, it was an honor to be a part of!
The Billfish Foundation
March 23, 2019
By TBF STaff
The award is named in honor of TBF’s Founder, a well-known angler, philanthropist and owner, at the time, of Allied Marine in Miami. Rockefeller sought scientific advice to identify the most pressing billfish research needs. He was told stock assessments, which dictated TBF’s first research commitment, followed by many other areas of research, though stock assessment science remains a priority. He also was committed to introducing children to fishing.
Marlin Magazine
July 19, 2018
By Sam White
According to Dusty Rybovich, Hull No. 6 will be the largest boat the Rybovich family has built to date, and also the first straight-sheer boat it has constructed in more than a decade. It will feature an oversize cockpit and a stand-up tackle room below the mezzanine, in addition to a host of other fishing- and travel-friendly features.
The Palm Beacher
October 2017
By Bernard McCormick
Sport fishing is a lesser part of the overall boating scene in South Florida. Most boat owners are in it for cruising along. But considering the enormous scope of the marine industry in the state, fishing boats are still a major economic factor. And unlike much of the industry, which sees major yachts built all over the world, sport fishing boats, including the finest custom designs, are concentrated in Florida. There are four builders in the Stuart area alone.
Palm Beach Daily News
September 24, 2016
By Christine Davis
Just up the waterway from Wayne Huizenga Jr.’s marina, Rybovich, is the Michael Rybovich & Sons Boat Works in Palm Beach Gardens at 2175 Idlewild Road, where Michael and Dusty Rybovich build sportfishing boats in their family’s tradition.
Marlin Magazine
September 29, 2015
By Andrew Cox
The 86-foot sport-fishing boat floats for the first time.
In The Bite
September 29, 2015
By In The Bite Editor
The largest Rybovich ever built hits the water for the first time.
The Palm Beach Post
March 3, 2011